The Town of Scott Board held its July meeting on Monday, July 15, 2024, at 5 PM, at the Scott Town Hall, 28788 Buckley Avenue. All board members present along with Mary Shepherd, Nodji Van Wychen and Larry Johnson. Town Chairman Henry Van Wychen called the meeting to order and Town Clerk Jim Van Wychen read the minutes of the June board meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer Paul Shepherd gave the treasurer’s report. We have received the July state highway aid payment. The checking account balance is $90,259.59 before July bills are paid. Supervisor Tonya Gnewikow moved and Supervisor Kade Gnewikow seconded a motion to approve treasurers report and file for audit. Motion passed.

Larry Johnson gave the road report. The recycled blacktop was placed around the town hall. Larry has also been doing road patching and mowing, and road signs have been put up. The seal coating by Farhner Construction was also completed. Grading on Crescent Road still needs to be done. Henry Van Wychen has been trying to get into contact with Town of Byron chairman Al Bernhart concerning Drake Avenue. Henry will try to talk to him before the August meeting.

The Town of Scott received one of the 37 Agricultural Road Improvement Program Grants. The town is responsible for 10 percent of the cost of redoing four miles of Copper Road. That project should be done in 2025.

For public input it was brought up that we should get a chemical toilet for the town hall. Henry Van Wychen will look into ordering one for the November general election.

The August board meeting will be held on Monday, August 19, 2024 at 6 PM. The meeting is starting one hour later than usual just for this month.

August 13, 2024, will be the fall primary election

Kade Gnewikow moved and Tonya Gnewikow seconded motion to adjourn July board meeting. Motion passed.

Jim Van Wychen, Town of Scott Clerk

July 2024 Town of Scott Board Meeting Minutes