The Town of Scott held its December board meeting on Monday, Dec. 14, 2015 at 5 p.m. at the home of Town Clerk Jim Van Wychen, 3365 Auger Road, Warrens, Wis. All board members were present along with Lorry Erickson, Jack Potter and Nodji Van Wychen.

Town Chairman Chuck Huffman called the meeting to order and the clerk read the minutes of the November 2015 meeting. Minutes approved with addition of Nodji Van Wychen being listed as attending the meeting.

Paul Shepherd gave the treasurer’s report. Paul has the 2015 real estate tax bills out and will be collecting them from now until the end of January 2016. Dan Draeger moved and Henry Van Wychen seconded motion to approve treasurers report and file for audit. Motion passed.

Chuck Huffman appointed election officials for the 2016-2017 election cycle. They are as follows: Lorry Erickson, Carol Huffman, Nodji Van Wychen, Paul Shepherd, Mary Shepherd, Julie Draeger and Jenna Van Wychen.

For the road report, Chuck reported about the downed trees in the ditch on Copper Road. Chuck has also received permission from the DNR to clear out trees and brush on the east side of Copper Road from State Highway 173 to Buckley Avenue Dan Draeger moved and Chuck Huffman seconded motion to hire Henry Van Wychen to clear the trees out. Once the trees are cleared out the road will be widened out to the east.

Starting in 2016, the town will have to order their own emergency/fire number signs. Lorry Erickson is setting up the town website and will be posting all the town notices there. Paper copy of notices will only be placed at the meeting notice sign at the town hall.

The next meeting is set for Monday Jan. 18, 2016, at 6 p.m., at the clerk’s home. Dan Draeger moved and Henry Van Wychen seconded motion to adjourn. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Van Wychen, Clerk

December 2015 Town of Scott Board Meeting Minutes