The Town of Scott held its Caucus for 2021-2023 Town Offices of Chairman, Supervisor 1, Supervisor 2, Treasurer and Clerk on Monday, Jan. 11, 2021, at 5:45 PM, at the home of Town Clerk Jim Van Wychen.

Nodji Van Wychen and Mary Shepherd were appointed to the Town Caucus Committee with Nodji serving as chairperson. Nodji called the Caucus to order and opened nominations for town chairman. Dan Draeger nominated Chuck Huffman and Henry Van Wychen seconded nomination for Chairman. Nominations were called for three times. Dan Draeger moved and Henry Van Wychen seconded a motion to close nominations. Motion passed.

Nominations were opened for Supervisor 1. Chuck Huffman nominated Dan Draeger and Paul Shepherd seconded nomination for Supervisor 1. Nominations were called for three times. Henry Van Wychen moved and Jim Van Wychen seconded a motion to close nominations. Motion passed.

Nominations were opened for Supervisor 2. Paul Shepherd nominated Henry Van Wychen and Chuck Huffman seconded nomination for Supervisor 2. Nominations were called for three times. Dan Draeger moved and Jim Van Wychen seconded a motion to close nominations.  Motion passed.

Nominations were opened for Clerk. Henry Van Wychen nominated Jim Van Wychen and Dan Draeger seconded nomination for Clerk. Nominations were called for three times.  Paul Shepherd moved and Chuck Huffman seconded a motion to close nominations. Motion passed.

Nominations were opened for Treasurer. Jim Van Wychen nominated Paul Shepherd and Henry Van Wychen seconded nomination for Treasurer. Nominations were called for three times. Dan Draeger moved and Jim Van Wychen seconded a motion to close nominations. Motion passed.

Chuck Huffman moved and Dan Draeger seconded a motion to close the 2021-2023 Town of Scott Caucus. Motion passed.

Jim Van Wychen, Caucus Meeting Secretary

2021-2023 Town of Scott Caucus Minutes