The Town of Scott received the following notice from the Monroe County Highway Department: Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §349.16, the Monroe County Highway Department will implement seasonal weight restrictions on all County Trunk Highways beginning Monday, Feb. 20. Restrictions become
Plowing Snow into Town Roadways is Illegal
Section 346.94(5) of Wisconsin State Statutes states that no person may place or cause to be placed upon any highway any substance that is or may be injurious to any vehicle. That includes snow plowed from driveways out into the
Monroe County Special Waste Clean-up Day Oct. 1, 2016
The county’s fall waste clean-up day is Saturday, Oct. 1, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Monroe County Landfill, 20448 Junco Road, Norwalk, Wis. Items accepted at no charge include: lawn chemicals, insect sprays, paints, medications, compact fluorescent