The Monroe County Highway Department will implement seasonal weight restrictions on all county trunk highways beginning Friday, March 5. Restrictions become effective upon the placement of signs. The restrictions limit vehicle weight to six tons per single axle and 10 tons per any two axles spaced less than eight feet apart.

Seasonal weight restrictions are established each spring to reduce damage to the roadway when the roadbed becomes unstable as frost is leaving the ground.

State law and highway department policy provide for exceptions. The policy can be accessed at the Highway Department web page at Operators meeting the established criteria should contact the Highway Department for further information.

Requests for emergency single-trip exemptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis and are subject to a $100 permit fee. Exceptions are not typically granted for loads that can be reasonably divided, lightened or delayed.

No vehicle – with or without a permit – may exceed the limit posted on a bridge.

The seasonal weight restrictions will remain in effect until the roadbed dries out and stabilizes and the signs are removed. For further information, contact the Highway Department at 803 Washington St., Sparta, by telephone at 608-269-8740, or via e-mail at [email protected].

The Town of Scott will also implement weight restrictions on town roads at the same time. For more information, contact Town Clerk Jim Van Wychen at (608) 378-4813.

Seasonal Weight Restrictions Begin March 5, 2021